Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 IT/CSE Diploma Paper

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Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper


Q1. Do as directed: 1×9=9
i. An __________ is a file format for storing audio data on computer system.
ii. The default extension of the Photoshop image files is __________.
iii. ____________ Cd’s can be written many times.
iv. A CDROM can hold about __________ of data.
v. Dithering _________ the size of an image.
vi. The area in which the image is placed is called _________.
vii. Video camera is a storage device (T/F).
viii. Audio microphone is a capture device (T/F).
ix. WAVE is not a video format (T/F).
Expand the following acronyms: 1×6=6
c. DVD
f. RAM


Q: 2 Attempt any SIX questions. 5×6=30
a. What is gradient tool? Explain its function.
b. Differentiate between printer and plotter.
c. Explain the working of a laser printer
d. Explain the important features of PHOTOSHOP.
e. What are various storage devices used in multimedia?
f. Explain the term compression. What are its types?
g. What do you understand by multimedia? What are its categories?
h. Differentiate between CDROM and DVD.
i. What do you mean by cropping? Write steps for cropping an image.


Note: Attempt any THREE questions. 3×10=30
3. What are various applications of multimedia?
4. Describe various image and sound file formats.
5. Write a note on ADOBE FLASH.
6. Explain the term Animation.
7. Write short note on
a. Story Boarding b. Image processing

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 PSBTE Diploma Solved Question Paper


Q1. Do as directed: 1×9=9
i. An MP3 is a file format for storing audio data on computer system.
ii. The default extension of the Photoshop image files is .PSD .
iii. Rewritable Cd’s can be written many times.
iv. A CDROM can hold about 700 MB of data.
v. Dithering increases the size of an image.
vi. The area in which the image is placed is called Canvas .
vii. Video camera is a storage device (T/F).

viii. Audio microphone is a capture device (T/F).

ix. WAVE is not a video format (T/F).


Expand the following acronyms: 1×6=6

a. MIDI-Musical Instrument Digital Interface
b. ASCII-American Standard Code for Information Interchange
c. DVD-Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc
d. MPEG-Moving Picture Experts Group
e. WORM-Write Once Read Many
f. RAM-Random Access Memory

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper

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Section a Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper

 An __________ is a file format for storing audio data on computer system.

An MP3 is a file format for storing audio data on computer system.

 The default extension of the Photoshop image files is __________.

The default extension of the Photoshop image files is .PSD .

 ____________ Cd’s can be written many times.

Rewritable Cd’s can be written many times.

A CDROM can hold about __________ of data.

A CDROM can hold about 700 MB of data.

Dithering _________ the size of an image.

Dithering increases the size of an image.

The area in which the image is placed is called _________.

The area in which the image is placed is called Canvas .

Video camera is a storage device (T/F).


Audio microphone is a capture device (T/F).


WAVE is not a video format (T/F).


MIDI in Multimedia Stands for ___________________

MIDI-Musical Instrument Digital Interface

ASCII in Multimedia Stands for _______________

ASCII-American Standard Code for Information Interchange

DVD in Multimedia Stands for ______________________

DVD-Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc

MPEG in Multimedia Stands for _________________

MPEG-Moving Picture Experts Group

WORM in Multimedia Stands for _______________

WORM-Write Once Read Many

RAM in Multimedia Stands for __________________

RAM-Random Access Memory

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper Click Here

Section B :Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper

What is gradient tool? Explain its function.

Gradient tool and its function.

Differentiate between printer and plotter.

Comparison between printer and plotter.

Explain the working of a laser printer

Working of a laser printer

Explain the important features of PHOTOSHOP.

Important features of PHOTOSHOP.

What are various storage devices used in multimedia?

Various storage devices used in multimedia.

Explain the term compression. What are its types?

Compression and its types.

What do you understand by multimedia? What are its categories?

Multimedia and  its categories.

Differentiate between CDROM and DVD.

Comparison between CDROM and DVD.

What do you mean by cropping? Write steps for cropping an image.

Cropping and steps for cropping an image.

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper Click Here

Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper

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Section c :-Multimedia and Applications 3rd Sem May 2016 Diploma Question Paper

What are various applications of multimedia?

Applications of multimedia.

Describe various image and sound file formats.

Various image and sound file formats.

Write a note on ADOBE FLASH.

Short note on ADOBE FLASH.

Explain the term Animation.


Write short note on a. Story Boarding b. Image processing

a. Story Boarding

b. Image processing

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